
Recipe for a Great Website: Third Ingredient: Give Your Visitor What They Want

  1. Recipe for a Great Website: First Ingredient: Use the Right Software
  2. Recipe for a Great Website: Second Ingredient: Understand Your Visitor
  3. Recipe for a Great Website: Third Ingredient: Give Your Visitor What They Want
  4. Recipe for a Great Website: Fourth Ingredient: Use Your Voice
  5. Recipe for a Great Website: Fifth Ingredient: Keep Safety in Mind

Give your visitor what they want from your website – that’s the third ingredient of a great website.

So how do you know what they want? Some of this comes from the same understanding we talked about in the second ingredient.

It is critical to understand your audience, how they got to your website, and what they are looking for on your site.

This time, we aren’t just talking about the journey through your site. Instead, we’re talking about the content you need on your site to help your visitors.

Home Page

First, on your home page, is an immediate identification of what your business is and who you help. The first headline on your site lets people know if they are in the right place right away.

The rest of your home page should give people a taste of who you are, your story, and what you offer. The inner pages should all provide more details.

What you offer

Next, people want to know if you have the information or product they want.

Your visitor wants to know what it will be like to use your product or service. Provide as many details as possible without overwhelming your audience with blocks of text. Make it skimmable with clear headings and short paragraphs.

If you are selling physical products, give dimensions, feel of fabric, possible uses, and as much detail as possible since the user can’t reach through the screen.

Clothing, for example, must have critical dimensions and sizing information, fabric care, content, and feel. You could include how to wear it, outfit or styling tips, and whether the item runs true to size. Since your visitor can’t try on the item of clothing, you have to create that experience for them in words, photos, and videos.

Digital products and services need the same attention to detail to provide what the visitor expects when they use the item. For example, how will the item or service be delivered? What are the time frame and the process?

Confusion is the enemy of conversion, so be as clear as possible.

Clear navigation

Simple navigation menus and content links help people navigate easily from one place to another. Text, headings, blog titles, and product names should be clear, concise, and consistent.

Listing related products, providing a search tool, and putting extra navigation links in your footer can all help your visitor get around your site.

Also, linking related blog posts within your content or at the end of the post helps people binge on your content.

About Page

Visitors go to the About page more than almost any other page on a website. We want to know more about who we are getting answers from or buying something from.

Your About page is not about you. It’s about your audience and how you can help them in their journey.

Tell the story of who you are and why you serve your audience. Then your audience will see someone who has a solution for what they are looking for AND is someone they trust to provide that solution.

What to do next

Clarity is equally essential when showing your visitors the next step in working with you. Make taking that step as easy as possible. Have clear calls-to-action throughout your pages. Some people say to have only one call-to-action on a page, but I don’t see it this way.

I say it depends on the situation. If you have a big ticket item to sell, offer something smaller for people who aren’t at that stage yet.

If you have an email list, ask for people to subscribe as well as offering them a way to purchase.

Your visitors will be in different stages of their lives and businesses, and you can help them more if you offer them several choices depending on their situation. Just make sure your offers are right for you and your business too.

Your audience is looking for something when they come to your site. So make sure you have the home page, the navigation, and the information or products they are looking for.

Allow them to get to know you and trust you, so they will let you help them with your solution for their problem. And make it easy to take the next steps.

To read about ingredient four to have a great website – click here!


  • Appy Beemer

    I'm Appy - I'm a website consultant for small businesses. I build and edit websites, troubleshoot issues, keep track of analytics, and help out with a variety of technical needs for my clients. I have an engineering background, so I'm used to and enjoy the technology and numbers part. I aim to help each small business owner have the website and related tools that fit them and their business. I want them to have the platform, tools, and features they need - and can maintain.